is a qualified clinical nutritionist and therapist has specialised in Food & Environmental sensitivity and intolerance assessments for Women, Children & Men. Offering Customised Treatments Plans to suit you based around the managment and where possible elimination of triggers with a great clinic success rate a since 1990. Douglas has been involved in identiifying possible food triggers over the years for many medical doctors and allied healthcare practitioners and has conducted personally well over 50,000 patient consultations..
And offers a high level of experience utilising dietary and environmental testing protocols which may help identify triggers for intolerances and sensitivities through computerised identification techniques in conjunction with specialised complimentary support which may help you manage your symptoms effectively and bring about a more normal response to your condition without the use of drugs* & without the use of needles or blood taken. Our identification protocols are safe, quick and suitable for all ages from 6+ months onwards.
Running several busy clinics since 1990, Douglas is a current, insured and certified member of the ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society). Many assessments have been conducted under referral by medical doctors from as far south as Tasmania to Victoria and Queensland.
Whilst spending nearly 20 years in Melbourne, Douglas had the fortune of travelling monthly all over country Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania with regular visits to many smaller towns and cities. His experience in treating many different people from a wide diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds is significant and he brings this wealth of knowledge to share with clients in Queensland.
Douglas services and conducts all testing and treatments personally so make sure you click onto our location links to identify a clinic close to you.
Servicing The Following Regions
Call direct on 0433 121 736 to make an appointment or discuss if we can be of assistance to you. Of course there is no obligation and we are always happy to see if we can help you with our honest and experienced opinion.
Douglas Mizzi - Nutritionist P.Nutr, ATMS 8079. QLD
It is most important when making a decision about receiving advice regarding potentially reactive foods and partaking in a testing procedure, that you visit a clinic that does this as their main modality and not a clinic that send off for a test occasionally.
Any practice which purely does a test and does not offer any other advice regarding recovery (including hospitals and medical clinics) may not be offering the patient the best possible chances of recovery.
When looking at choosing a practitioner to help you with treatment and recovery always make sure that they incorporate these simple procedures and that they are extremely experienced in treating many clients (thousands are better than a few hundred) and that they have treated a wide variety of symptoms as well as being able to treat several major health conditions at once. ie maybe Hives + Candida + Diabetes + Hayfever etc . This is important as it shows practitioner competence and experience.
We have built our practice on these very foundations of experience, attention to detail and modern computerised testing facilities
So if you are fed up looking for answers yourself, contact us via the submission form below and make a change to your life Today
We are experts in helping identify potential Food intolerance and triggers that can contribute to ongoing health issues. But more importantly than just identifying potential triggering events we are experts in helping de-mystify the jigsaw puzzle that helped create these conditions in the first place with detailed personal and family history analysis. We always strive to find out why your problem developed - not just fix the end symptoms.
Clinical Nutrition
Food Intolerance Testing and Management
Immune Health Management
Gut Health Management
Planned Recovery Programs
Catering To All Ages From 3 Months Old
Fusion 21
ABN :56 970 090 739
Douglas Mizzi - Clinical Nutritionist
ATMS 8070, P.Nutri (Q.I.N.S)
0433 121 736 Direct or Text
1300 55 69 79 General Office
PO Box 133 Mooloolaba
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